9:30 - 10:00 |
Registration - Opening |
10:00 - 10:45 |
Online Template Attacks on Elliptic Curves
Louiza Papachristodoulou, iCIS, RU Nijmegen
Abstract: The use of elliptic curves for asymmetric cryptography was introduced by Miller and Koblitz in 1985. Due to
patent restrictions and the mathematical complexity of the relevant cryptographic operations, the wide
deployment of elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) in real-world applications was postponed until the mid 2000's. The main advantage of using ECC over other public-key crypotsystems, such as RSA, is the memory and key-length requirements; two important factors for the practical implementation of cryptographic protocols in embedded devices. ECC is nowadays
implemented in many broadly used cryptographic libraries, such as OpenSSL, mbedTLS and libecc.
Recent side-channel attacks (SCA) on elliptic curve algorithms have shown that the security of these cryptosystems
is a matter of serious concern. Side-channel attacks exploit various physical leakages of secret information or
instructions from cryptographic devices and they constitute a constant threat for
cryptographic implementations.
In this talk, after introducing some basic principles of side-channel attacks, we are going to present
a practical SCA on elliptic curves. Our methodology offers a generic attack framework with minimal
assumptions for the attacker model, which is applicable to
various forms of curves (Weierstrass, Edwards and Montgomery curves) and
implementations. As a proof of concept, we attack the doubling operation in
the double-and-add-always scalar multiplication algorithm.
10:45 - 11:30 |
Non-malleable codes in the split-state model
Yiannis Tselekounis, University of Athens
11:30 - 12:00 |
Break |
12:00 - 12:45 |
The importance of the human factor in the security of voting protocols
Thomas Zacharias, University of Athens
Abstract: The security analysis of the novel e-voting system DEMOS (Kiayias, Zacharias, and Zhang - 2015)
shows that the level of end-to-end verifiabiliy that DEMOS achieves directly depends on the rate of honest voters that participate
in the auditing procedure. Motivated by this result, we performed a study of the voters' auditing behaviour as a parameter of the
end-to-end verifiability of the well-established e-voting system Helios.
We were led to an interesting conclusion regarding e-voting security: ensuring that a sufficient number of participants follow a
well-defined set of admissible behaviours, is of equal importance with the protection of the system infrastructure.
In this presentation, we take discussion a step further by putting some thinking cap on how the above ideas apply to any voting
protocol where the human participation consists of non-trivial actions (i.e., people are not modelled as dummy parties that forward
their inputs or are only responsible for protecting their secret states in an on/off approach). We focus on the apparent trade-off
between (i) encouraging direct human involvement via active participation and (ii) the increase in the security risk that stems
from the amplified human factor. Protocol designers aware of this fact, face a strategic dilemma: should they prevent security
threats by putting trust to the administrators or share responsibility to people while keeping the promise of their proper training?
12:45 - 14:00 |
Lunch Break |
14:00 - 15:00 |
Fair and Robust Multi-Party Computation using a Global Transaction Ledger
Aggelos Kiayias, University of Athens
Abstract: Classical results on secure multi-party computation (MPC) imply that fully secure computation,
including fairness (either all parties get output or none) and robustness (output delivery is guaranteed), is impossible unless
a majority of the parties is honest. Recently, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin where utilized to leverage the fairness loss in MPC
against a dishonest majority. The idea is that when the protocol aborts in an unfair manner (i.e., after the adversary receives output)
then honest parties get compensated by the adversarially controlled parties.
Our contribution is three-fold. First, we put forth a new formal model of secure MPC with compensation and we show how the introduction
of suitable ledger and synchronization functionalities makes it possible to express completely such protocols using standard interactive
Turing machines (ITM) circumventing the need for the use of extra features that are outside the standard model as in previous works.
Second, our model, is expressed in the universal composition setting with global setup and is equipped with a composition theorem that
enables the design of protocols that compose safely with each other and within larger environments where other protocols with compensation
take place; a composition theorem for MPC protocols with compensation was not known before. Third, we introduce the first robust MPC
protocol with compensation, i.e., an MPC protocol where not only fairness is guaranteed (via compensation) but additionally the protocol
is guaranteed to deliver output to the parties that get engaged and therefore the adversary, after an initial round of deposits, is not
even able to mount a denial of service attack without having to suffer a monetary penalty. Importantly, our robust MPC protocol requires
only a {\em constant } number of (coin-transfer and communication) rounds.
Joint work with Hong-Sheng Zhou and Vasilis Zikas.
15:00 - 15:10 |
Break |
15:10 - 15:55 |
Monero: An untraceable unlinkable bitcoin alternative
Dionysis Zindros, National Technical University of Athens
Abstract: Bitcoin has proved to be the first widely successful
decentralized cryptocurrency since its creation in 2009. However,
forensic analysis of the blockchain has allowed analysts to
deanonymize bitcoin keys, often in an automated manner. These
techniques also allow legal authorities to taint coins, harming
bitcoin's fungibility. Monero is a separate blockchain cryptocurrency
with a codebase created from scratch based on the CryptoNote papers.
It offers transaction unlinkability and untraceability through two
primary mechanisms: First, the disassociation of public receiving
addresses from blockchain information; and second, the use of ring
signatures to create sender anonymity sets. In this talk, I will
present these features of monero and discuss how they achieve the
claimed properties.
15:55 - 16:05 |
Break |
16:05 - 17:00 |
Probabilistic attacks against compressed encrypted protocols
Dimitris Karakostas, National Technical University of Athens
Abstract: Every modern system relies on compression and encryption, for performance optimization and data security
respectively. This work investigates attacks on compressed encrypted protocols, such as HTTP over TLS. A new property of cryptosystems
is proposed, Indistinguishability under Partially Chosen Plaintext Attack (IND-PCPA), along with an attack model that utilizes it.
In order to bypass obstacles of real-world systems, statistical methods are employed, that improve performance and validity of the
attack. Experiments were conducted on massively popular systems, using a Python framework that was implemented for the purpose of this
paper. Experimental results, in lab environment, revealed that those systems are not IND-PCPA, demonstrating vulnerabilities regarding
certain types of secrets. Finally, we propose novel techniques, that could lead to complete mitigation of similar attacks.
17:10 |
End |
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