Welcome to SAGT 2019
The 12th International Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory (SAGT) will take place in Athens, Greece, from the 30th of September to the 3rd of October, 2019.
The purpose of SAGT is to bring together researchers from Computer Science, Economics, Mathematics, Operations Research, Psychology, Physics, and Biology to present and discuss original research at the intersection of Algorithms and Game Theory.
Scope and Submissions
The program of SAGT 2019 will include both invited lectures and presentations for refereed submissions. Authors are invited to submit previously unpublished work for possible presentation at the conference. Foundational work is solicited on topics including but not limited to:
- Solution Concepts in Game Theory
- Efficiency of Equilibria and Price of Anarchy
- Complexity Classes in Game Theory
- Computational Aspects of Equilibria and Fixed-Point Theorems
- Repeated Games and Convergence of Dynamics
- Algorithmic Mechanism Design
- Reputation, Recommendation and Trust Systems
- Network Games and Graph-Theoretic Aspects of Social Networks
- Cost-Sharing Algorithms and Analysis
- Computing with Incentives
- Computational Social Choice
- Decision Theory, and Pricing
- Auction Design and Analysis
- Economic Aspects of Distributed Computing
- Internet Economics and Computational Advertising
Industrial application works and position papers presenting novel ideas, issues, challenges and directions are also welcome.
Submissions must be prepared in LNCS style and are limited to at most 14 pages (including title page, but excluding references). Additional material can be added in a clearly marked appendix. For detailed guidelines, see submission instructions.
It is expected that every accepted paper will be presented at the symposium by one of the authors.
The symposium proceedings shall be published by Springer in its LNCS/ARCoSS series. Accepted papers are allocated at most 14 pages in the proceedings. Alternatively, authors of accepted papers can choose to publish only a one page abstract in the proceedings, along with a URL pointing to the full paper.
Selected papers from SAGT 2019 will be invited to a special issue of Theory of Computing Systems.
Important Dates
- Submission deadline: May 10, 2019, 23:59 AoE
- Notification: July 1, 2019
- Camera ready: July 18, 2019
- Tutorial Day: September 30, 2019
- Conference Dates: October 1-3, 2019
Invited Speakers
- Nina Balcan, Carnegie Mellon University
- Shahar Dobzinski, Weizmann Institute of Science
- Herve Moulin, University of Glasgow
Best Paper Award
There will be a SAGT 2019 Best Paper Award, accompanied by a prize of EUR 1,000 offered by Springer.
The conference proceedings appear in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science series, volume 11801: Algorithmic Game Theory, 12th International Symposium, SAGT 2019, LNCS 11801.
Conference Handbook
This leaflet contains the conference program, detailed directions to the conference venue and a short guide to Athens.
SAGT 2019 will start with a tutorial on the recent advances in the intersection of Algorithmic Game Theory and Learning Theory. The tutorial is supported by the EU COST Action GAMENET (CA 16228), the European Network for Game Theory. The tutorial will be organized and delivered by:
- Georgios Piliouras, Singapore University of Technology and Design
- Vasilis Syrgkanis, Microsoft Research, New England
For any inquiries regarding SAGT 2019, please contact us by email to
There are different modalities of registration fees for SAGT 2019; all of them include the participation to the tutorial and all sessions of the conference on September 30 - October 3, a copy of the proceedings, coffee breaks, a welcome reception and the social dinner. The registration fees for SAGT 2019 are described in the following table:
Early (until September 1) |
Late (until September 20) |
On-site (cash only) |
Regular registration fee: | 340 Euros | 400 Euros | 440 Euros |
Student registration fee: | 290 Euros | 340 Euros | 380 Euros |
Accompanying persons can attend the social dinner; additional tickets will be available during the conference at the price of 60 euros.
Notice that for each accepted paper, at least one author must register.