Travel Support

Due to the support of the tutorial by the EU COST Action GAMENET (CA 16228), the European Network for Game Theory, and to the generous financial support of our sponsors, we are delighted to announce that funding for travel support will be available for PhD students and postodoctoral researchers affiliated with universities or research institutes located in the European Union. The purpose is to enable PhD students and possibly postdoctoral researchers to travel and participate in SAGT 2019.

Eligible applicants are either PhD students, who must be registered as full-time students at a higher education institute, or postdoctoral researchers with a full-time contract at a research institute or university. Eligible PhD students and postodoctoral researchers must be affiliated with universities or research institutes located in the European Union. Priority will be given to PhD students presenting a full paper accepted at SAGT 2019. We anticipate different levels of funding based on geographic location.

Interested PhD students or postdoctoral researchers will need to provide their participation details for SAGT 2019 as well as a pdf with a scanned student ID card, certifying that they are registered as full-time PhD students, or a certificate of employment for postdoctoral researhers. They also need to provide a letter, signed by their advisor, which certifies that the applicant has limited travel funds.

Important Dates:

  • Application Deadline: Sunday, July 14, 2019, 11:59pm anywhere on earth (UTC-12).
  • Notification: Saturday, July 20, 2019.